Asset 7design

Face Masks

 All employees and service partners are required to observe the following health protection measures:

  • Wearing of face masks or face shields.
  • The accomplishment of health questionnaire checklist.
  • Security to continue the use of Infrared temperature scanners and disinfectant spray at each entrance.
Asset 3design

Social Distancing

 Guests and hotel employees are advised to avoid the gathering of large groups of people in closed spaces. Restaurants are only open for delivery until further notice and interactions are guided. Social Distancing will also remain in practice. Employees will be asked to maintain three feet apart when interacting with guests, attending meetings, and workshops and when in the public area such as the restaurants, elevators, lockers and the cafeteria.

Asset 5design

Food Safety

 Your meals are prepared in the kitchens which are regularly sanitized to avoid food contamination. Kitchen staffs are required to wear face masks or shields and disposable gloves at all times, to ensure that you can enjoy your meals to the fullest.

Asset 6design

Routine Santization

 Our Housekeeping team continues to be stringent about preventing the spread of the virus, through the following enhanced facility and room cleaning and disinfecting guidelines:

  • Routine sanitization of identified high touch surfaces using disinfecting agents that are registered with the Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Installation of alcohol-based hand sanitizer stations at all public areas.
  • Wearing of complete personal protective equipment and spray a disinfectant at the bottom part of the shoes before entering the room and after cleaning the room.
Asset 2design

Regular Hand Wash

 All. employees are advised to frequently wash their hands with soap and water or 70% alcohol-based hand sanitizer every after activity, after touching their face mask, coming in contact with respiratory secretions or frequently touched surfaces or upon entry to premises.